They don't wear labels — American anti-VD poster
From £9.99
Fascism is a bloody monster — Soviet World War Two poster
Loose talk can cost lives — British World War Two poster
Beware... Drink only approved water — American World War Two poster
The guy who relaxes is helping the Axis — American World War Two poster
We consider peace a catastrophe for human civilization — American World War Two poster
Back to the wall — British World War Two poster
United we are strong - American World War Two poster
One by one, his legs will be broken — British World War Two poster (French)
One by one, his legs will be broken — British World War Two poster
Save freedom of speech — American world War Two poster
Fascism Shall Perish — British World War Two poster
If you talk too much this man may die — American World War Two poster
Leningrad defends Britain — British World War Two poster
Strikes will only bring misery to your own people — German World War Two poster
China Defence League — Chinese poster
To the British troops – British World War Two poster
Together we shall strangle Hitlerism — British World War Two poster
Don't let that shadow touch them — American World War Two posters
It's our war — Canadian World War Two poster