The Festival of the Expected Pan-Hellenic Rising — Greek map
From £9.99
In war and peace we serve — British World War Two poster
This is the year! — British World War Two poster
To the lighthouse of the Communist International — Soviet poster
A living wage helps everybody — American poster
From £9.48
Strike down this monster! — American World War Two poster
Stop! We appeal to you — New Zealand poster
The Mexican fatherland defended by its sons — Mexican World War Two poster
1 May - long live the international unity of the proletariat! — Soviet poster
Troops out of Ireland! — British poster
His rifle will fire, will mine? — British World War Two poster
The people of Afghanistan will destroy the international imperialist gangs! - Soviet poster
France, which has experienced invasion 4 times in 100 years, must not disarmed without being assured of its security — French poster
The United States Army builds men — American poster
From £8.48
Glory to Soviet aviators! — Soviet poster
Victory! — Mexican poster
Literacy is the path to communism — Soviet poster
As one man — American World War Two poster
For anti-imperialist solidarity, peace and friendship! — Soviet poster
All paths of Marxism lead to Moscow! — West German poster